
The System is designed to accomplish the following objectives:

  1. Dynamic splitting of the model according to adjusted dismemberment groups;
  2. Editing of dismemberment groups with visual display of affected geometry;
  3. Support of hierarchical dismemberment;
  4. Support of the models, which consist of several meshes;
  5. Support of LODs.


Ragdoll's dismemberment system allows to produce dynamic cutting off of the geometry of skinned mesh by pre-configured dismemberment groups, which relieves from the necessity to manually model all dismemberment combinations in external 3D software. Besides, the System also has the effects Editor for dismemberment groups, which allows to close the gaps in dismembered geometry.

As long as the system produces dismemberments during the game, it becomes possible to use it for models with changeable geometry. For example, if the game has the system of character equipment, then to use the dismemberment system it is only necessary to adjust the character's skeleton that body and clothes models would be attached to during the gameplay.

System supports hierarchical dismemberment. For example, if the character's arm has two dismemberment groups (one group is upper part, and second group is forearm and hand), then due to such configuration, it is possible to dismember the entire arm, and then cut it off again at elbow.

For System's proper functioning, it is recommended to adjust dismemberment groups in such a way that their bounds would correspond to cross-sections in the junctions of the skeleton's bones. Due to such configuration, hierarchical dismemberment would be perfromed as expected, and it becomes possible to add the ragdoll physics (the junction between two body parts breaks → transversal dismemberment performs).

System also copies LOD Group component from the main model to dismembered ones. For proper copying of detalization levels it is necessary that the name of every mesh ends with the number of the detailing level.

System's main component is RagdollDismembermentVisual. It is described below.


RagdollDismembermentVisual component is responsible for the adjustment of dismemberment groups. It also performs dismemberment operations with meshes of the models.

The component looks as follows:
